Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Peltier Paper free essay sample

Paltrier Paper Leonard Paltrier was convicted for the death of two federal bureau of Investigation agents during a shootout on the pine ridge Indian reservation. Mr.. Paltrier served over 29 years in prison. This case happened on June 29, 1975 while two federal bureau of investigation agents In unmarked cars followed a red pick-up truck onto the Jumping ball ranch believing It was a man accused of kidnap and armed assault. Paltrier was there also because he was asked by people at pine ridge, South Dakota to support and protect the people being targeted for violence.The red Plock- p truck really contained peeler and two other American Indian movement members. When shots were heard, families became alarmed of the agents and stood In fear. Shots were heard and a shoot -out erupted. According to records there were more than 40 native American gun fights, but only three AIM (American Indian movement) members Bob Rideau, Darrell Butler, and Leonard Paltrier were brought to trial. We will write a custom essay sample on Peltier Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bob Rideau and Darrell butler were found non guilty in the participation on the shoot out because fear existed and could not be tied to the close ; range shooting.With Leonard paltrier, the united states presented the Canadian court with a letter signed by myrtle poor bear who said she was a girlfriend and saw him shoot the agents. Later myrtle said that the agents threatened her to sign. Also three teenagers testified against Mr.. Paltrier, and later admitted that federal bureau of investigation forced them to testify against paltrier. Then federal bureau of investigation ballistics testified that a casing found near the agents bodies matched the gun to paltrier however, later a ballistics test proved that it didnt come from liter. Unaware of all facts, the Jury claimed paltrier guilty. The Judge Benson just sentenced him for two consecutive life terms. The federal bureau of investigation has engaged in lying Just to keep Leonard paltrier in prison. They are also being bias because they cannot find out who really killed there agents so they claim false statements for the power they have and abuse that power. They were also being intimidating because they threatened all the members that testified against paltrier during the case.They know they dont have any evidence on paltrier but intention to be in denial. They know he deserves Justice and that he did not commit the crime. Leonard paltrier was actually charged without evidence and did not lustily his criminal sentence. Every person that testified had said it was by force by federal bureau of investigation agents. There were multiple people there at the scene but they only charged Leonard peeler. Also, Leonard peeler discovered new evidence through the freedom of Information act, he then wanted a new trial and the court had denied him a new trial.This case serves Injustice because the lack of evidence towards paltrier and denying him a trial knowing what they did was wrong. People may believe that because the agents were following peeler that he was the one who shot the federal bureau of Investigation agents but, there Is unclear evidence, denied him trial because they were In denial, and no one actually seen the killings making Leonard paltrier not guilty for the killings of the two agents. By Jacksonville 9 investigation agents during a shootout on the pine ridge Indian reservation. Mr.. Deader bureau of investigation agents in unmarked cars followed a red pick-up truck onto the Jumping ball ranch believing it was a man accused of kidnap and armed Dakota to support and protect the people being targeted for violence. The red pick- up truck really contained paltrier and two other American Indian movement members. When shots were heard, families became alarmed of the agents and stood in fear. Shoot out because fear existed and could not be tied to the close range shooting. paltrier. Unaware of all facts, the Jury claimed paltrier guilty. The Judge Benson Just paltrier during the case.

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